
A fourth Captain America movie is in the works, one that will presumably focus on Sam, and Marvel will hopefully do the right thing and update the Twitter account again at some point.

Like most Twitter drama, it was a lot of noise made about something that doesn’t really matter, but Inma write 2000 words about it- Barsanti or Hughesr

Has anyone actually asked Anthony Mackie if he’s offended or whether he’s glad a co-worker is getting her time to shine? Or are we (not me) just assuming he’s offended. 

The Falcon and Winter Soldier ad must remain up forever as a tribute to that time Marvel gave a leading role to a black man in a TV series!

But a whole household could watch that on that single 30 dollar ticket, whilst if they all went to the cinema...

I think an argument could be made that a large percentage of marvel movie goers would see a good marvel two or three times in the theater, boosting ticket sales with repeat business. And I think that such experiments with cruella and Mulan might bear that out ( that aside from marvel and star wars, most movies are

I don’t think it is so much more than Black Widow not getting the numbers they were hoping for. So they will experiment with not doing that with Shang Chi right away. This will not do well however do to peoples concerns about the delta variant, so it is not really a fair test.

Of course when the show was actually on, less time was spent praising the choice to make Sam Captain America than was spent on Zemo gifs, queerbaiting accusations, anger over Mackie’s interview, etc. Now it’s a big deal.

It’s the latter.

So they replaced a picture of a character with a picture of a different character? That’s it? That’s how they’re “blowing it”?

Twitter was a mistake.

I’m not outraged. Twitter doesn’t bother me. A black Captain America doesn’t bother me. A woman Captain America doesn’t bother me. A white woman temporarily replacing the black Captain America for advertising purposes doesn’t bother me. Am I the problem?!?!??!

That was a chore to read. 

What cockamamie bullshit is this?

You know, we could all be reading a book right now.

Quick! I need 500 words of pointless bullshit! Light the Barsanti signal!

As a big fan of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, and as someone who didn’t like Loki at all precicsely because it made things more convoluted in a way the MCU doesn’t need to be, I’d love to jump all over this. But there’s nothing here, Sam. It’s nonsense. But you got me to click, so good job. This article...

Like most Twitter drama, it was a lot of noise made about something that doesn’t really matter”

Yeah, I liked The Suicide Squad because it actually felt unabashedly like a comic book, but like a comic book from the early 2000’s. Overly reliant on excessive gore. This isn’t a bad thing it’s more an observation  

They do seem ashamed of their Big characters like Superman and Batman, but I thought someone like Bloodsport was taken seriously. More so than he ever was in the comics.