
well he does beat up by George Kennedy, at least. plus has to dig and fill in a lot of holes

the transgender stuff caused folks to lose their minds. they were ok with gays when they were taking up pretty much suburban lifestyles cis folk could relate to, or women wanting a gay friend to dish to and get fashion/makeup/hair tips from, or really even drag queens who identified as gay men when not in drag.  Of

enjoyed Smile but not sure it really needed a sequel

i liked the movie well enough but never felt compelled to rewatch it really, i did listen to the soundtrack a whole lot though

i’m pretty sure its mostly just one dude who has it on repeat 

well, if it helps, i still hate Phantom Menace, to the degree that seeing that asian-pastiche alien race again in Acolyte was a bit off-putting

could he be any more pugilistic?

not Owlman, languishing in prison sadly

i think would’ve worked better had the flashbacks been broken up and interspersed in the episodes in a way that dovetailed meaningfully with “current” events, but of course that requires more skillful plotting and storytelling.

hey getting those straws into Capri Suns can be hard work sometimes!

yep i did forget about Chekhov’s poisonous tree, altho maybe its just to align with the poison used in prev ep

Disagree that this ep is meant to be an unreliable narrative of Osha’s memories - as others have noted, there are events and dialogue in the ep that Osha is not present for. I think its just a flashback, but an incomplete one that will be filled in more in a future ep to show just what the Jedi did that they feel so

wow, well i can certainly go with Cavill as Highlander.

yeah was gonna say Hollywood is certainly up to that “challenge”

in the future let’s rate all movies on a highlander scale 

well, there’s no accounting for taste, i suppose, but its hard for me to understand how anybody liked part 1, at least.  had no interest in part 2 so not having watched it i’ll refrain from critiquing it.

its definitely become a thing for Snyder films, anyhow.

Off topic, but it amazes me that of the Fantasy Island cast, somehow Herve made it into a James Bond flick but not Montalban. Feels like he would have made a great Bond villain.

“Everyone asks, Corinthian leather? Of course, why not the best?”

Well, i for one will not sit here and let you sully the good name of Ricardo Montalban, perhaps most well known for the role of Tony Lorca on the Alfred Hitchcock presents episode “Outlaw in a Town” in 1960. I forget where else I’ve seen him