
that’s one of my favorite bits from that McCloud book

went to see them once in Dallas in ‘94 but can’t remember anything about the experience so i guess it wasn’t that great

i thought Napoleon Dynamite was autistic but i dunno

maybe they’ll bring in that guy from the hobbit who turned into a bear or something

Studs Terkel is a prophet? 

Man, i was hoping the headline meant Patty Smyth would make an appearance.

“They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could spare expenses that they didn’t stop to think if they should.”  

came to the comment section for this lol

it was a good idea but poor execution.  probably should’ve just gone with a themed hotel idea rather than fully immersive experience.  oh well looks like at least a few folks here enjoyed it, so that’s something.  but as usual its striking how much money to burn these corporations have, mind-boggling.

its not like her voice is that great or anything, feels like this would get old awfully fast. 

So sort of a post-millennium Eric Idle

So Bionic has nothing to do with Six Million Dollar Man?? could’ve been a banner year for Lee Majors.

have you ever read any of Germain’s reviews before? he tends to be very generous. I would guess its actually a lot worse than what his review suggests

they wouldn’t say “a back injury” if it applied to multiple people

i dunno, feels like the old “if you think everyone you intereact with is a jerk, maybe its really you that’s the jerk” kind of thing (paraphrasing Justified)

i dunno, Germain tends to be pretty generous with his reviews. but if you’ve been looking forward to it, just go see it anyway and decide for yourself

that would be my take on King as well. Omega Men in particular seemed like a weird take on both the titular team and Kyle Rayner. Adam Strange another one. Still, good stories for the most part, if considered in a vacuum

i think its a movie where if you didn’t see it in 3-D at the theaters its pretty hard to understand what all the fuss is about.  i didn’t and have never understood lol.  skipped the sequel


i assume some of that is to make the CGI easier? i dunno