
yeah that seemed like a lot. more like something that Gateway (or whatever the Aborigine X-Men’s name was) would be capable of

it looked like jean was telekinetically boosting Morph/Hulk’s blows but i dunno.

i’m not even gonna bother looking her up

lol its like how they credited Claremont/Byrne for Giant Size X-Men in the last article.

yeah, hoping this does not happen.  guest appearance by Cap is fine, cameos by Spidey and references to Hulk are fine, but i really don’t need the Avengers playing a major role in this series.  frankly feels like it really muddies the whole “public is scared of superpowered folks” angle (just as it did in the comics)

i mean, its not like its just him/her, a lot of us have just gotten used to forgoing the big screen experience for the conveniences of watching at home. Not sure what the solution is.  

now that you mention it, seems surprising they never did a comedic/ironic rehash of Bionic Man, maybe with Will Ferrell or someone similar. now THAT one i would expect a lot of references to the old show in promotional materials.

Wasn’t there already a Dark Matter show? Bunch of people with amnesia on the run in a spaceship, and it turns out that they are all actually the galaxy’s most wanted criminals.

overall Morrison’s run was great although a few of the plot swerves didn’t work as well as they might’ve. one problem was quitely falling behind on artwork and other artists submitted rushed work that didn’t always look very good. plus some folks don’t dig quitely in the 1st place (i mostly like his work although

Dave’s not here, man!!

never noticed that bit about T’Challa calling Clint by his name, good catch

the marvels was actually one of the better movies to come out post endgame imo. yes it was slight but imo that’s preferable to bloated.  but i can agree that perhaps not the best choice to pour money into given the backlash to Larson/Carol overall.

i would definitely like to see another Thor movie, minus Taika. I’ll always love Ragnarok , though.

Maybe the Rock is like Samson and once he lost his hair he lost all his power

to be fair, this really started with Netflix’ success in streaming non-original content licensed from others, which subsequently caused the networks to wrench back control of their own content so that netflix had no choice but to develop original series. Amazon prime was in a similar situation. they started the arms

I’m not sure Carr’s examples really disprove the Russo’s argument, as each seems to involve young people using the moviegoing experience but not really watching a movie. with Barbie its all about the dress-up before the movie, with Swift its not a movie its a concert, and the last bit isn’t watching a whole movie so

his name makes me think of Larry, his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl

off topic, but i always had a real problem accepting a Prof X that “accidentally” killed a few X-men with his powers, just a bit too grim for me. Sure make Logan go as dark as you want, but not the good Professor. (I didn’t care one way or another for Caliban, just that its so weird the character shows up in both AoA


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