
The number of people happily paying $30 for it would seem to complete invalidate your premise, but you do you!

This sob story would be more effective if SWT wasn’t actively trying to make money of the IP.  If they were a non-profit truly in it “for the fans”, that would be a whole other situation.

You are still thinking about this from the standpoint of a “competitive” fan.

Nintendo DOESN’T CARE if SMASH is kept alive beyond the hundreds of millions of copies sold.  At all.  

The “competitive SMASH” community and its fans make up less than a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of percent of Nintendo’s world-wide fanbase.

This move means absolutely nothing to them in the short or long-term.

This is the only correct response.  We can close the entire comment section now.

Libertarians self-identifying in the comments is a nice bonus feature of this article.  They can be safely ignored.

embrace it or get out of the way it’s going to change how things work.”

How much have you lost in the cypto crash so far, bro?

“I’m not known for being cheap with what I like. Some people collect photocards. Some go to concerts and all sorts of things. I collect games.””

Jesus Christ who actually TALKS like that?  Did he do a pose as though a theme song was about to play afterwards?

Nuclear is, right now, the only thing that can wholesale replace fossil fuels at scale. It’s the only thing that can generate the amount of electricity required to do so because our technology in renewables just isn’t good enough yet.

Nuclear is a hard brake-pump on climate change. A far less catastrophic stop-gap

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and it’s pretty cringingly obvious to anyone with the critical thinking skills of a 5th grader.

Take your right-wing bullshit and shove it up your ass.

it’s considered a step down to go from Geralt to Clark...”

Source: One Internet Dude

This is the same sort of flawed thinking that leads to bailouts of “too big to fail” banks and lenders so they can live to swindle another day.

The fact of the matter is, the ONLY way to deal with this is zero tolerance.  Literally nothing gets better until that becomes the case.  There’s no hedging here.  It’s

Don’t feed conservative trolls.  They’re sociopaths.


My TV probably costs more than you paid for your car, lol.”

Sure buddy. We all believe you, here on the internet.

Maybe keep those meds handy.

That said, let’s not put the horse before the cart when it comes to ogling the Steam Deck’s price tag.”

....I’m hoping there was some clever twist here I missed but it’s “let’s not put the *cart* before the *horse*.  The idiom literally makes no sense otherwise.

“but then every Unity of Command II mission is limited by a very strict turn limit”

I read through this review, firmly convinced I was about to purchase this game...until that line.

It’s gone from “this sounds amazing” to “I will never own this” in less than 20 words, and that’s really depressing. 

Disney probably isn’t gonna pay you for all this white knighting, just so you know.

Not wanting to give money to Epic is actually an extremely defensible position.

Hell you don’t even need to go THAT far in.  Orange, TX is literally right across the border and I 100 percent guarantee you can get it there.