
Seth freakin' Rollins, Kingslayer.

You know what? Unpopular opinion but I'm all in on Taker vs. Reigns. Sure they had to ruin Strowman to get here, and this'll likely end with Roman winning the Universal Championship from Brock Lesnar at Summerslam, but I got chills after watching their staredown and I can't wait to see what type of match Roman can get

Alexa is champion again!! All is right with the world!!


Wyatt vs. Orton vs. Harper BOOK IT DAMMIT!!

This. So much this.

But all I meant to say is RIP JeriKO :(

Damn it, Kyle. I went on here expecting a lengthy post about the Festival of Friendship and Bayley's rise to the top. Not "discussion points", which in all seriousness is fine, but not in such an emotional episode as this one.

Very very happy for Bray winning his first world title. It's about damn time.

RIP Kevin Owens' title reign.

Who the hell is Cena going to face now?

After that segment, I really, and I mean reallyyyyy want AJ Styles to win this Sunday.

It would be his third straight actually. He was out in 2015 since he was part of the triple threat with Lesnar and Cena.

This show was really good. But I want Seth Rollins in the Royal Rumble dammit.

Honestly, as long as Alexa wins, I win.

Well, Rosa doesn't exactly have the greatest look…

I'm just happy that AJ finally destroyed Ellsworth.

I disagree, Sasha has been a good babyface who the crowd is begging to cheer for. She's not a great face promo, but she's definitely a good babyface. Turning her heel now would be bad for her because that will clearly put her behind the heel who just beat her for the title, arguably the #1 heel in the company today,

Looks like AJ and Miz are just switching challengers. I'm okay with this, but I hope these aren't the matches we'll likely see at the Rumble. Styles vs. Taker is the way to go.

A+ Smackdown because ALEXA BLISS IS CHAMPION.