Good. I hope she raises all the money she needs to do recounts in all 3 states.
Good. I hope she raises all the money she needs to do recounts in all 3 states.
You think she’s actually going to make money from this lawsuit??? She won’t. She’s just wealthy enough to sue to make a point. The non-millionaires don’t have that ability.
How do it know what she’s going to do with the money. Maybe she’ll use it to help others, which is what she’s trying to do with this show. As others have said she had no choice about “joining” and wealthy or not it is a sersiously big deal to defy “the church”.
“I don’t understand any of this, but I’m going to comment anyway! Here’s my hot take!”
Scientology blackmails and cons people out of money all the time. I’m glad she’s suing.
She was 9 and her mom joined for them. Also any $1.5M they don’t have is $1.5M the Co$ can’t use to stalk and sue poorer people who woke up and ditched their asses.
You know that a lot of kids are born or forced into this, right?
She didn’t join, she was raised in the cult. smh
I am starting to doubt Madeleine’s commitment to Dirt Bag.
Rich has been 22 for the last 15 years now. He knows what it’s like to be 22 okay?
what’s going to happen to Born This Way or Better Than Sex?!
As of late, mean spirited is what Jezebel does.
There was a teacher at my elementary school like that. She was really horrible and racist towards my older sister. My mom went over to the school and ripped her a new one. The teacher didn’t get fired but my sister was put in a better class. The teacher died about 15 years ago, I saw her obit and emailed the link to…
One of our semi-permanent substitute middle school teachers quit after the harassment the 7th grade boys gave her. She was in her 20s and pretty and made the absolute mistake of saying she used to work as a bartender. That was apparently scandalous and transformed to a story about her being a prostitute/stripper. She…
I know people on FB are going to say that those kids were being disrespectful and not behaving but I am sorry, if it is that bad for you then you walk out.
You don’t make the situation worse by screaming racial slurs and threatening them!
If you can’t handle a situation then you freaking leave. And the fact that she…
As a former teacher: Good. Nobody like this deserves to be a teacher.
Girl I went to elementary school with: Chasyn.
When my daughter was 4, she was making a verbal list of things she was thankful for. This quote was in the middle of the list:
The fact that she didn't list a Kardashian or Taylor Swift means you've done your job as a father