
The real question is who’s making the better after-sex kale green tea kombucha smoothie?

I mentally hissed like a vampire when I saw this picture.

Wasn’t Kate Hudson rumored to be fucking Nick Jonas earlier this year? Nick Jonas is 24. Brad Pitt is 52.

I wonder if Angelina will be a Hollywood nobody after this vicious divorce. Pitt just tanked at the box office over the weekend so the brand(s) are in jeopardy.  I think their endless sanctimony over the last decade just got on everyone’s nerves. The breakup has been so creepy and distasteful all you want to do is

Where was this parrot years ago?

And she doesn’t enjoy eating?

Kind of off-topic, but why don’t people object to all the other ways the American flag is desecrated? People scream that someone should be deported for burning a flag, but they’re totally cool with the flag-patterned boxer shorts on sale at Walmart.

I think that’s stupid too.

Just don’t forget Hilary Clinton co sponsored a similar anti flag burning bill in 2005. Now don’t confuse me for a trump supporter, I voted for Clinton. But she did bring it up too.

Ew did he just grab that flag by the pussy

i love the second thought because it reminds of

Oh the socialist newspapers... I was lucky to have come of age in a college town that mercifully didn’t have any Trotskyist groups. I was so confused when I went to protests in other cities and walked a gauntlet of people trying to sell me a newspaper.

At this moment, I have no snappy comeback for this.

Can you technically have more than 4 grandparents? I mean, I guess you could- but what if grampy’s new wife is Metsican? WHY AM I EVEN TRYING WITH THESE PEOPLE

True. I need to stop with these crazy assumptions, like people have the ability to think. Ugh.

Wow. The spokesperson for PEOTUS can’t even handle a solid question from a teenager.

Who Says America Isn’t Still Great Again?

Though not technically qualified, I’m going to go ahead and put my name on that list in confused solidarity.