
Or how about just don’t?

Or how about just don’t?

“...literally the time Trump didn’t shit himself while speaking...”

and gree-ull

By the looks of it, that bear has been there before.

It doesn’t. That one dad being nice to one person doesn’t shed that.

White supremacists of the ‘lost cause’ revived it and purposefully interwove into southern culture to keep that racism alive. The Confederate flag will always be seen, first and foremost, as a symbol of racism. It needs to be renounced. People that want to celebrate the positive aspects of southern culture need to

Every racist is also a liar. And usually terrible at it. They know their thoughts are toxic and shameful. “State’s rights.” “Conf flag is not a symbol of racism.” We need to stop feigning to be unbiased around these topics. These are not opinions worthy of consideration.

That was a terrible slide. Would’ve been safe if he kept his foot down.

Yeah I’m with you. I weigh 220 and there’s no way an entire person could fit in one of my pant legs.

I wonder if those numbers hold up without LeBron on the floor. Dame is the #1 option on Portland and playing much tougher competition in the West. I agree with you more or less though—that Kyrie’s a top tier talent.

Is there a version that isn’t made out of cows (or dogs)?

Is there a version that isn’t made out of cows (or dogs)?

I agree that they need to talk about the ‘actual issues’ more and disagree that they are not talking about the ‘actual issues’ at all.

I agreed with HamNo’s stance in middle school.

Also for the last eclipse four years ago in my area, I looked at it with five pairs of sunglasses on.

Yeah the original post mentions that.

LeBron a bitch. He had to pull a gambit against Green to turn that series around. Admitting he wasn’t good enough to win on merit. Even LeBron knows he’s a bitch.

Plus, between KD and LeBron, LBJ is clearly the roid-raged, mean-mugging, a-hole out of the two.

I think there was a low key movement taking on the statues more or less one by one. Nazis decided to oppose the one in Cville. Everyone saw that and heard Trump and thought ‘fuck that shit we gotta take these all down pronto.’

Oh c’mon. He can’t possibly be THAT good!

Exile is a great idea. Give Pence an example so he’ll have to keep himself in check.

I had sex in the woods twice, with my ex girlfriend, Deborah. IT IS VERY DIFFICULT. Both times:
:: we were caught/seen (from a distance)
:: we got dirty and all the laying down/moving was very awkward
:: we got poked by sharp forest things

The first time we were hiking in a suburban state park and saw a shady tree in the

Nah. They are all racists.