
It sounds like the 2nd set was not good tennis (ie not competitive, especially given that clearly Williams is good enough to make the 2nd set as good as the first.)

These splits (the split between centrist and progressive Dems, the split between all races on the left, the split between pro-life and pro-choice, and gender equality vs not among the white poor, etc etc etc) are what allow a minority of far right white men rule the country.

Yeah it’s fucking obnoxious how little time they are giving to young keepers. They failed develop a younger keeper in the 2015 Gold Cup and STILL finished only fourth. Now they are trotting Guzan out there yet again. No position has been more static than GK on the USMNT. That made a little sense during the 3 or so

Just looking at her move on the court is as impressive as all get out. And with that accuracy and devastation—can’t believe she can still do it like this!

I do agree in that, with me, with all half dozen or so trained professionals who have written me prescriptions for brain meds, it was more or less a crapshoot to see what happens. I had some side effects that were listed, and some that were not listed. And it’s hard to pin down just what benefit I got, if anything.

Yeah if this video doesn’t prove that the confederate flag is the official flag of the kkk, i don’t know what will.

I mean sometimes it works for some people. I have not found anything that works for me (overall) though. I think everyone is different, esp brain chemistry, but people assume one thing that worked for other people is going to work for them. I think cannabis can work for many people but I know it doesn’t work for me

The problem is that there are so few U.S. movies with South Asians in leading roles that either interracial couples or monoracial couples are bound to be far underrepresented. I can accept the author’s argument but still be glad to see interracial couples on screen.

The problem is that there are so few U.S. movies with South Asians in leading roles that either interracial couples or monoracial couples are bound to be far underrepresented. I can accept the author’s argument but still be glad to see interracial couples on screen.

As a Ws fan, this is the most sheepish I’ve felt since Trump got elected.

As long as they can keep him on the bench. The only need as many minutes from Swaggy P as they got from Ian Clarke.

this. if he hits his shots, great, but as a ws fan not that familiar with front office rules, i hope there’s a way to cut swaggy p if necessary.


they’ll be better but still way behind the ‘Ors

Oakland baseball team are the tics.

speaking of props, i don’t think a mere mortal would’ve emerged unscathed after running headlong into a soccer net.

was that today?

yeah, like forgetting how many outs there are. delightfully dumb!

Which is priceless. I can vouch for that.

Jeff Teague sounds extremely boring and actually plays fairly boring too! But he is actually good, especially since he distributes the ball and will not chew up shots that will instead go to KAT, Wiggins, and Butler, so chin up!