
That’s better than what they do in Indianapolis. Every home run in Indianapolis gets a goldang banner.

Sure Nowitzki does it and it’s all fun and games ‘how adorable!!!’ but Marshawn Lynch does it and he’s a sullen thug, a cancer to the team.

OMG goo gone has failed me countless times to the point where I have surrendered to a life peppered with sticker residue. I will try this.

You might call it a valid point. Reasonable people call it a red herring.

IE: Don’t look at us funneling money from the public commons into corporate pockets. Look at these irresponsible poor people who don’t know how to prioritize!!


I’ma shove a dead iphone into his eye socket. Why should he care he has Cadillac Congressional Health Insurance.

Since there’s already truthers here, might as well point out that it looked like David Lee whapped Harden on the arm before Kawhi blocked the shot.

If you have a hard on for Pop for more than four hours straight, you may want to consult a doctor.

I am lucky because I saved money into my late 30s and bought a condo in 2008 when the market was relatively low. But it doesn’t really matter how much it’s gone up, because everything else has also shot up. And my Principal+Interest+Taxes+HOA fee add up to as much as the really high rents around here. To get any

This is why our economy is a fucking mess.

I starred you, then I immediately knocked on wood.

I’m late to the party on this page, but it needs to be logged: FreedomPop is very very very very very very very very very very very bad. They have taken avoidance and obfuscation to a new level. I fear that the big ones like Comcast and AT&T will study them and copy their methods.

I had their free plan. And I still

This is easily one of the top three deployments of that joke. In fact it might be number one.

I know!! Draymond is a smart guy in terms of running a defense on the court, but admitting to disliking this was a stuuuuuupid move.

There’s also something clearly propping up the back of his jersey by at least an inch. You can see it when they remove the puck and you can see a horizontal bulge from the overhead angle. I wonder what that is...seems like it shouldn’t be legal unless it’s serving some other clear purpose.

Yeah I didn’t get that either—like why would you take over someone’s body just to be a servant. That seems to make sense though—that it was a front.

Yeah I had figured the deer head was a camera.

I think they meant as in ‘goal of HIS lifetime.’ his best goal, not better than everyone else’s.

I can’t believe the USSF has not stepped up and paid these players yet. That is simply shameful. Fuck those assholes.

Whoever was yelling “NOOOO!” reminded me of this guy:

wow, the lies are spreading EVERYWHERE now!