
It does improve fast. Last Wednesday I hadn’t done any in a while and I could barely do 10. I didn’t do them every day, but I did 15 on Sunday and 17 today.

I probably have bad form, but I’m more worried about just making sure I do some. But if I do them every day, I’ll try to take my form into account as well. This

You’re part of the problem. You don’t attack the people who called you for help. It doesn’t matter what their “tone” is.

What’s your secret? I don’t know any DJT supporters on FB, but I was working on 2 friends of friends and don’t think I got anywhere. I tried being respectful. Best I could. Honest.

It is our job because our country signed the Geneva Convention.

Because Dems are stupidly choosing our candidates based on who wins the south, where the odds of making those states blue in the electoral college are extremely slim. Are you thinking before you post? The best (at getting votes) blue candidate in the swing states is the one that needs to run for president.

What’s the solution for this? I imagine changing the order of the primary states would be a good start. I imagine we also need to completely rebuild the Democratic party if we really want to decrease the odds of disasters like W and DJT and win back some state governors and legislators.

Yes but her campaign totally fucked it up in those three states. It’s so pointless to keep pointing fingers. There is shared responsibility in roughly this order: 1) Anyone who ever cut education spending 2) Trump 3) Trump voters 4) Putin 5) Comey 6) Hillary 7) the DNC 8) lefties who refused to vote for Hillary. Now

THANK YOU. This argument is SO COMPLETELY beside the point. Sowing blame and division and looking backwards. NOBODY on the left condones what happened to this family. We need to put those differences aside and unite to defeat Trump every day, every week, and every month for the next four years.

STOP with this divisive bullshit! That horse has left the barn. I proudly voted for Hillary but this is EXTRAORDINARILY counterproductive.

I called the Golden State Warriors front office a couple weeks ago, to tell them I wasn’t happy that they had hired the racist ex-police chief from SF to lead security for the new arena. I talked and talked for a minute or two but they could not get me off the phone fast enough. I think it’s because they already knew

okay if you’re gonna beat a dead meme horse, at least you made us do some legwork so i appreciate that.

Also, there is nothing in his critique that couldn’t have been said a week ago. Serbia, D squad or no, played great defense. They also had a lot of defenders back at all times. They didn’t leave anything open and didn’t ever make the wrong choice. The gaps the US came close to breaking through were exceedingly narrow.

Wow this is the most dead horse beaten ds meme. I like your bromont thing though.

And was more or less discreet!

This made me laugh. I hope it was meant to.

I definitely agree, but like Gore, Hillary very much failed at her job of winning the election. She was not exactly helpless. She failed to campaign in the swing states that turned the election and she failed to understand the public’s thirst for major changes. (Both left and right.)

Hey, Kerr’s no slouch in this regard.

And stomps on his neck.

We gotta plan to keep it going on a constant basis for the next year at least and probably four. If you are not putting your body in the way of Trump on at least a monthly basis from now on, you are part of the problem.

In the line to get blame, they are fifth or sixth behind Trump, his voters, GOP candidates being too sad sack to take Trump out, Comey, the DNC, and Hillary for failing to run a campaign in the states that swung the election. The is an extremely DEAD FUCKING HORSE you’re beating.