
You know in the video it looks like the first one popped when he planted his foot hard in anticipation of the contact with Miller and then the second one popped when he fell on his own right foot and rolled awkwardly backwards. That’s my guess at least.

It doesn’t look bad in the videos. You can’t really tell what happened. You’re kinda like ‘well that looks awkward but I don’t really get why it hurts/ruined his life.’

Yes, we will accept you.

(Note: I am not a Packer fan.)

Thanks Obama

I figured out just about two years ago that life really is a literal hell. You’re born in suffering and die in it. And it’s filled with excruciating suffering in between. It’s only interrupted by natural and artificial chemical highs that keep us in a detached stupor. Optimism, hope, love, joy, security—it’s all a

you got me with ‘mismanaged the clock’ man i could be andy reid given how many times taking a shit has made me late.

I like field turf too. It’s WAY better than the average shittily maintained grass field at a park. Way safer too. Uneven grass turf has sprained many an ankle. Still have to look out for rug burns though—I try to wear knee layers so there’s something that can give other than my skin.

Y’know I was gonna say, why didn’t one of the Browns hit him after he tipped it? Just knock him out of the play. Then I saw that one of them did, only to have another Brown hit him the opposite direction, holding him just in range for one of Green’s middle tips. Had just one of them hit Green, that probably would’ve

That guy is fast! Holy canoli.

I heard that on the radio. I couldn’t believe it.

Boycott zoos. Why put these animals in prisons? Sanctuaries much better. Zoos are even worse than the NFL. Boycott both while you’re at it.

oh holy lord

I mean yeah that was definitely PI but on other hand, when it bounced off his facemask made me think he perhaps wasn’t gonna catch it anyway.

no flag. apparently refs weren’t ready for that play either.

If it’s fourth down and you get tackled (or go out of bounds) in the end zone, should be a touchdown for the other team. #logic

classic footbaw

Maybe it’s because he is a fucking idiot. The dude who got hit was not only tackling, he was getting stiff armed. When a guy’s hand is literally in your face, it is difficult to tell who else coming. His head also would’ve continued down and out of the way of the hit minus the stiff arm. The other two guys were trying

Is Lasorda severely incapacitated or is he just a slobby old guy? I literally can’t tell.

(Note: I am both.)

Actually it would be nice if they cut to some downballot votes which are actually more important at this point.

He was great for the A’s this year. Total stud. Not ‘shut down the best team in the majors’ great, but pretty damn good.