
Sorry to hear that.

Would've expected at least a mention of Inglourious Basterds, which is QT's surprisingly complex though conflicted meditation on the complicity of the audience and film violence.

I agree they are supposed to be the initial protagonists, but didn't realize until writing the above comment, that after having seen the movies so many times, I was watching the opening droid scenes in episode IV and unconsciously waiting for the more compelling and/or beloved characters, rendering the plight of the

My earliest distinct Star Wars viewing moments that I remember were during my first viewing of the original trilogy probably on TV or VHS in the late 80s when I was around 4-6 years old. I remember feeling such strong emotions of despair when R2D2 and C3PO were lost in the dessert in IV, and again in Empire when C3PO

April was better.

Studio exec to other studio exec unsure about another Kong movie: "You see, the reason Jackson's Kong failed is that they only had 1 million ape hairs. We're not going to double that, not even triple or quadruple that number. We're going to… wait for it … nineteentuple that number!!!! Nineteentuple! Thusly, we can

My Body's A Zombie For You is my jam.

Disqus test.

This movie could/should be `30 mins long. The first 10 mins are the landing on the Hudson, next 10 mins people are asking questions of culpability and possible unnecessary endangerment to Sully. Then everyone stops and says, NM that shit was awesome! Investigation over! Last 10 mins is everyone at happy hour giving

What, is Adam Pally chopped liver? No mention in the headline? I thought AV Club recognized the brilliance and social importance of Happy Endings and, in turn, its alums.

It needed him to be off center to show the smoldering ruins.


Listening now. 3 tracks in. It feels like a logical continuation of, but also a wholly new expansion of, the sound on Brothers and Sister of the Eternal Son. Basically it is really good subtle sci-fi alt folk.

The book is a nice little succinct rumination on aging and the meaning of one's vocation. If you took the god awful narration out of this trailer, I might have said the movie has the same potential.

I think growing up my family had confused Crime Story for Police Story 2. Crime Story isn't a real Jackie Chan movie, in terms of style and action.

Uhhhhh… I just realized I've never seen Police Story 2 in its entirety. I'm so ashamed, confused, and sad. Yet I'm also a little excited to see it for the first time.

Punch Drunk Love released in 2002, was a Cannes Film Festival selection starring Adam Sandler, and featured a mattress store called Mattress Man owned by Philip Seymour Hoffman's character.…