
So sorry for your loss Miss Carter. I’m sure having all that $$$ might help sooth things. Are you free next month?

More virtue signaling?! More “help help! I’m a tragic victim?!”Give us a break. Even male directors don’t get complete control unless they have a proven track record. Spielberg and Nolan she is NOT. WW84 is a terrible disaster and now we can see why Hollywood was hesitant to give her full control. She obviously

Look at me! Look at me! I’m Julie Muncy and here's who I like to sleep with!! Virtue signaling again and again...

So the self-proclaimed “author” of this trash has to let everyone know that she is queer because we all need to know who or what she sleeps with. Virtue signaling is a sure sign of no talent and no intelligence.

So this article is written by another man hating SJW. We don't need more toxic femnazis. We need real talented writers without the social agenda and liberal politics.

If Superman were gay. Which he's not.

Yea! Turn all the characters into SJW virtue signaling cucks!

So you only show positive reviews? Sounds very suspicious. We will see the truth soon. 

I’m no Trump fan but he has no control over California’s regulations. All the laws there come from Sacramento.

Stop blaming everything on climate change. I live in California. These fires are because the environmentalists complained and moaned until virtually all preventive measures were dropped. California used to manage just fine until then. At the time, they claimed it was to save a beetle. Now because of the far left

This puff piece is bought and paid for by CBS. That is why there is no honesty or integrity in the reviews. This hack loves every episode regardless how racist, woke, or badly produced they are. Total BS

“Why do you want that?” “Because it’s coming out.”-I have honestly been having this conversation my entire life. There is no way you could but that vapid, materialistic and shallow is there?

This crappy remake/rehash episode shows just how godawful this new racist sexist Twilight Zone show is. It doesn’t come close to comparing to the original. Inferior B grade television writing. Preachy preachy preachy. They beat us over the head over and over. We get it! You hate white people! Especially white men! Now

Pixar pandered to the lowest denominator for Cars 2. However, when Disney purchased Pixar, the movies went straight from “Made for the Whole Family” to focusing on prepubescent girls and theme parks. I stopped watching the sub-par sjw pandering. Even the last Toy Story and Incredibles was garbage virtue signaling

Gender swapped?! Hell no. We don’t need preaching to from self entitled liberal elitists

The author of this "article" is Cheryl. That invalidates everything. We don't want to hear another feminists opinion on crap with a bunch of little girls and women running around with jump scares. Grow up

Delete my post because I spoke the truth? Typical liberal. Miss America got woke and went broke. Simple fact. Truth hurts

Miss America got WOKE went BROKE

“Victories in what has to be the queerest comic book movie to date.” Aww such sjw feminazi preaching. And they wonder why audiences stayed away.

This is the stale, soap opera take with old ideas by juvenile feminists. The writer's room is full of Gilmore Girls idiots who don't know science or pacing. Maybe you'll get a resolution before the crap gets cancelled, maybe not. Nobody will stick around long enough to find out.