
“Ruled out based on shoulder X-ray” doesn’t bode well

See, Alonso’s body depresses me for a few reasons. Chief among them is that he looks like that and is a world-class, rich as fuck athlete. My husband is in the gym 6 days a week, is terrified of eating sugar and fat, is carved from stone, and he was just diagnosed with heart and kidney disease. Fucking Christ.

I’m glad the Buckeye player he was covering recognized that something wasn’t right, and didn’t initiate contact and looked for someone else to block instead. It’s unfortunate this happened while he was in the game, but it could have been worse.

Tonic clonic seizures like that can be no joke. I’m impressed at how far he’s made it with that condition, and hope that he and his neurologist are able to control these.

Most most of the times it’s not getting your meds right it could be lack of sleep it could be taking cold medicine it could be caffeine it could be so many things you really have to stay on your med regimen even like the time of day you’ve got to take your meds within the same half an hour as you do everyday it’s just

honestly i find this inspiring that a person with epilepsy can still be a top tier college athlete. hope he's okay of course but a seizure can happen anywhere for him so its not really a football issue and im glad these big programs also recognize that.

Dad bod!!!

That is the PERFECT amount of hair and yeah, left me breathless. 

Auditioning for next year’s ESPN Body Issue

Manning’s about the only one in that trifecta of fuckery worthy of any kind of respect. She fucked with OPSEC something serious, and definitely violated her oath of service to the military, but at least she had the courage of her convictions required to face the consequences of her actions.

Snowden leaked his info to

Assange is still a rapist tho

If only more guests would put Meghan in her place. Also, love the look Pamela is giving her in the photo. It’s the perfect look to give someone like McCain when they drivel utter nonsense.

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

The Pamela Anderson/Meghan McCain conflict is the feud this country needs and deserves. 

I have the “Wear a helmet” battle with my 12 year old daily, simply because of the sheer number of dipshit parents in my town who allow their kids to ride their bikes up and down main roads without them. Now it’s if course become a “Cool kids don’t wear helmets” thing, and I have to fight with my son so he doesn’t

And be sure to actually strap them on properly! An unstrapped helmet is just an ugly hat

My son has similar dietary issues and he also has autism. He goes through phases where he's willing to try lots of new foods (but he doesn't like most of them) then phases where he drops stuff out of his diet seemingly overnight. 

I remember there was a lot of hubbub locally about the Santa Monica Observer running a story speculating that Skaggs died of an opioid overdose.  They ended up pulling the article due to personal threats against their employees as well as legal threats from attorneys representing the team and the player.  I wonder if

I remember a documentary many years ago about the Judas Priest court case, in which a family sued the band for influencing, through its music, their teenaged son to attempt suicide and disable himself for life in the process. As a parent I now understand better their anguish and pain, but the documentarians also

First and foremost, sympathy to those who lost a loved one, a teammate, and a friend. Opiates suck and have destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives just so we can maximize shareholder value at pharmaceutical companies.