Lets give an example:
Lets give an example:
If you go and figure out the sheer amount of power required if say, half the population has cars charging, there is NO WAY that we can sustain that without more nuclear plants being built. We have many urban areas today that can’t even/can barely sustain the electricity demand in the summer due to AC units running.
True, but only a fraction of them know how to drive them properly at the limit. I guess the same could be said for most drivers of AWD and RWD cars as well though.
In 1985 I was in the garage at Laguna Seca in Monterey California talking with Dan Gurney, Danny Gurney and Denis Ase while they were talking about not having enough Tire to keep the 750 + horsepower cars on the road. They were campaigning 2 Toyota Celicas in the Camel GT series at the time.
I burned a few tires yesterday....
You’re illustration looks like an injured cock and balls in the hospital on life support.
Is one of his neighbors Ralph Nader?
“eperimental SEAL submarine.” - Seems to be missing that x factor that would make it really cool.
I’m not sure what happened to make the Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying so…
One quick tip to make the roads better for everyone? Dont be an asshole just because you can. I have an incredibly specific (but recent) example:
That’s great and all, but I still think it needs more cowbell if you want our enemies to fear the Reaper.
Everyone posting in this discussion needs to hang out and drink some beers together I think.
I had one where they had a “classic Maserati.” It was that Chrysler LeBaron Maserati.
When people learn that I like classic cars:
Person: ‘So if money was no object, what would you buy?’
There are the obvious ones like people bugging you for car buying advice when all they really want is validation, but here’s a slightly less obvious one that affects me:
One guy I used to work with who claimed to be a car guy was looking to buy an E9x BMW and was asking me if he should get the V4 or the V6... I almost fell over.