
I'd prefer to see The Stand…

The writers on this show continue to demonstrate that they simply do not know what they are doing. They seem to think they can just keep taking two people per episode and just focus on them, and that it will continue to be entertaining television. Maybe if the writing was better within those episodes, but at this

I can give my explanation for why I think JDM is just not the right fit for the character. Not sure if you have read the comics, but that definitely affected my opinion. In the comic, Negan is such an interesting character because he goes between almost goofy to incredibly menacing at the drop of the hat (not to

My wife and I watch this show, and to be honest I have been really disappointed with where they chose to go regarding Danny and Mindy sleeping together. Danny is an absolute PoS who cheated on his fiance, and yet this has seemingly been swept under the rug. Somehow Mindy is still pining after Danny while Ben and

Loved the two Radiohead songs in this episode (Fake Plastic Trees is playing on the player piano, and then Motion Picture Soundtrack is the song playing while Maeve tours the different levels).

Yeah this is the biggest problem with the MID=William theory. We saw what the old hosts look like in this episode, and yet the hosts William interacts with seem to be the newer models. I also picked up on the fact that the woman who introduces William to Westworld and has him pick out his outfit when he first

Totally agree on your Rip comment. I have not enjoyed the actor's portrayal at all, and I just think Rip has become a drag on the show itself. This season has been so much better with the introduction of Nate, getting rid of Hawkgirl, and having the Reverse Flash as the villain instead of the god-awful Vandal Savage.

So maybe I missed something, but what ever happened to the time traveler that caused the viral outbreak in the first place?? Did he die when he first landed and was exposed to the Confederate soldiers?

Lol this was my reaction too. Wow what an amazing accomplishment coming up with this theory. It's not like they literally had an episode where Dennis reveals he has a secret compartment in his car that has zip ties, duck tape, gloves, ect… (basically your standard serial killer kit).

As someone who has read the comic, it has been really interesting to watch the creative choices the show has made. I'm not sure how I feel about Eugene's story. In the comics, he is quite innocent and simply shot himself because he wanted to be like Kurt Cobaine. Now in the show he actively tried to murder an

I agree with others that I was a little bit underwhelmed with the finale, but I think that may just be a result from the highs of the last episode whereas this episode seemed more contemplative.

Wow, what another terrible and disappointing finale from the WTD (albeit a mid-season finale). This show is beyond frustrating, especially if you read the comics. The beauty of the comics is that it is a pulpy fun story in which things move quickly. The show could be so much better if it would follow the same

Yeah that makes sense. Everyone had been speculating that Thawne got his speed powers by finding an old suit of Barry's in a time capsule and gaining the powers from the suit. So if Eddie now has the suit, he would be Reverse Flash (maybe the powers will allow him to heal and he will come back to life?) But then

Interesting. Of course there is the whole thing that they never explained where Thawne originally got his speed powers, so we don't even know for sure if they came from his ring.

Was anybody else disappointed by this finale? I was hoping to get an explanation as to why Thawne hated future Barry so much.

This is a great point. The mystery has been why does Thawne want revenege against Barry? What did Barry do to him? Thawne implies that maybe his family was killed by The Flash, but it's still unclear. I'm guessing that Thawne wanted to kill Barry as a child because Barry somehow caused the death of Thawne's family

So I don't know if anyone else noticed this (and I don't know if the same writing was visible in earlier episodes) but when they showed the image of the newspaper at the beginning of the episode I was able to read the article. It said that the Flash and the Reverse-Flash had been battling in the streets. It also

So there is a plot point that I am finding a bit perplexing. Wells demonstrates to Cisco how we can create a mirrored image of himself (I remember he refers to it as a sort of mirage), and this was to explain how there were two version of Wells (Wells and the Reverse-Flash) in the same room. My question then is how

Oh my god you're right, I totally forgot she was on Spartacus too as Mira! The creators of Arrow/Flash must really have liked the show Spartacus, I can't see this as being some huge coincidence.

I really love how The Flash and Arrow have been using cast members from the show Spartacus. So far we have Slade Wilson (Crixus), Amanda Waller (Naevia), Captain Boomerang (Ashur), and now Spartacus himself as the newest Weather Wizard.