Bart Crowe

Don Cheadle is an amazing actor despite only being able to say his last name "Cheadle" much like a Pokemon.

Hells yeah

I'll argue that Reign Over Me is a garbage movie for garbage people.

Buh Buh Buh Bernie Would Have Won

Is Girls the show that's like Broad City minus the humor?

Come to think about it Armageddon for as corny as it was is a fun movie and Bad Boys movies are all right hangover movies. I resend that previous statement and say Bay has made 5 good movies. Not too shabby for a director everyone says they hate.

Let me guess Alec Baldwin didn't want to play Bill O'Reilly but the ghost of John Belushi and Phil Hartman convinced him otherwise.

I'd be a fan of anyone that gave me a big fan check to basically sit around and react to
pretend exploding robots. Plus Michael Bay has made two legit good movies in The Rock and Pain & Gain. Which puts Bay head and shoulders above a lot of directors.

When they gonna fuck?

The infection is spreading. I think amputation is our only option here.

Who was he going to play in Jessica Jones?

Adam Devine is one of those guys I don't see the appeal of but don't outright despise.

Hoi polloi is fun to say.

Give O'Reilly more credit that that. He is also an alleged wife beater.

Not exactly a hot take

I love Invader Zim but the Hot Topic stank makes me embarrassed to admit that.

I was not expecting anything from this show but NPH and Patrick Warburton are so freakin' good.

What the world needs now is a dark and gritty Shrek reboot.

RIP Rick's six years of Improv classes. May it be yes anding in Heaven with Chris Farley.

His son Chavo Jr. is still alive and wrestling.