Would not be opposed to the ghost of Chavo Guerrero stabbing Trump in the eye with a foreign object.
Would not be opposed to the ghost of Chavo Guerrero stabbing Trump in the eye with a foreign object.
Perfect ending for Review
I'll stick to watching Stand Alone Complex
I'm still not convinced this is a real movie.
Is it that time again for Robert Rodriguez to announce he is directing a dozen different projects? How many will actually come out? My money is the only thing he will direct is another shitty Spy Kids reboot.
Nazi Punks Fuck Off!!!
AKA more songs you don't want to hear when you pay way too much to see Paul McCartney in concert.
One of the reasons that movie was so goddamn terrible was because they used it less as a movie and more as a launching pad for their Sinister Six and Ma and Pa Parker spin-offs.
Didn't they ruin the last Spider-Man reboot by making all these insane spin-off plans? I remember there were talks about a prequel featuring Peter Parker's parents?
Just another remake Robert Rodriguez swears to God he will remake
They're good dogs Brent
Christ, what an asshole!
You'd think the things he said about Count Chocula would bar him from that position but I think it only helped.
You just know there is some Youtube video of a guy in full KKK regalia doing a grocery store haul video.
Skyline Chili is superior to Goldstar Chili though any true Cincinnatian worth their oyster cracker knows neither are on the level of Camp Washington or Blue Ash Chili.
Remember when Wyclef stole a bunch of money from his Haiti relief charity? Or remember that song "Ghetto Superstar" Pras did with ODB and Mya for the Bullworth soundtrack? Man I had a huge crush on Mya back in the day. I wonder if Bullworth still holds up. It might but I was a stupid teenager when that movie came…
No he's not.
Was Oliver North the red or blue Contra guy?
I liked his 90's sitcom Gerard Under Fire but I hear he was a real monster backstage.
Remember when the dog voiced by Norm MacDonald gets a thermometer stuck in his ass?