
I was a big fan of Telecommunication.

Absolutely agree on Space Age Lovesong. However, while Down in the Park is far better than Cars, I prefer Are Friends Electric.

I did enjoy that rare Mary Worth comic strip where she advised a friend to commit suicide.

“increasingly ludacris ends”

When the fuck is my Paste Pot Pete script going to get picked up?

I know what he was thinking...

Shame on Johnny Greenwood for having a sense of humour.

The show was watchable enough, but I still maintain that if it had, at any point, evolved beyond this...

It suggests a show that’s actually about what struggling to live without powers in this ABSOLUTELY INSANE UNIVERSE would be like, and not one that mostly felt like recycled B-plots from The Office.

I’ve always been partial to “It’s good to be King”, an atypically sparse song with a fantastic moody outro by Michael Kamen

awesome, just scoped our Rabin’s site..... this Weird Al song-per-day thing is going to keep me occupied for a good long time now that I can’t seem to find any of the stuff I want to read on here! just made this burner with my same name, I assume I will be in Grey or something? couldn’t find the instructions to

Sometimes he even gets facts right about the stuff he covers!

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