It was a necessary evil for such a fantastic Patton Oswalt bit
It was a necessary evil for such a fantastic Patton Oswalt bit
Who puts Weird Al on ANY worst-of list?
Lambchop’s “Best Ever Death Metal Band Out of Denton” too. And every time GWAR was on.
Don’t hide your light, AVC. Some of us still remember AV Undercover:
They were called Analog Culottes back then.
I know this is an important story so I shouldn’t really be focusing on this, but “the Potomic”?
I immediately clicked on the slide list to see which side of the Oscar debate you fell on. Sadly for you, it’s the WRONG side.
Who could have imagined that we’d ever have nostalgic memories of how good AV Club: Disqus Displeasure was?
You gotta have something to feed to the AI. Might as well be Rabin.
You guys just rehashing Nathan Rabin’s old work now?
Would be down for that movie
I know it’s trendy to shit on people who unironically watch Dancing with the Stars, but we loved it. We love dance, and seeing non-dancers go way, way outside their comfort zones with actual dance professionals — less the fascist Republicans who have been on the show — is extremely fun.
Len Goodman was really the…
Clearly dudeman has never actually SEEN Critters, maybe one of the best sci-fi black comedies ever (nothing can unseat They Live, of course).
Are we sure that the current host is actually Tyra Banks and not Hough in blackface?
I’ve never seen the Grammys. I don’t really understand the speculation about who will when. It give awards to the most popular musicians does it not? The musicians that get the most play time and that get the most articles written about them. We already know who the winners are.
The author’s consistent use of the spelling “Creedance” throughout does not give creedence to the idea that the author is an actual professional writer.
Also, the original described as “campy”? In a decade filled with cheesy alien and monster invasion films, the original War of the Worlds stands out to me as being a genuinely horrifying film. The special effects have also held up remarkably.
Knock knock.