
The whole point is that it WOULD hurt other people. If he died, he'd have no further problems. Myself, his family and friends couldn't say the same.

You should respect him as an adult. You can say, 'I am concerned about you and these are the reasons you should do this safe thing' but you shouldn't feel like you need to follow him around and shake a helmet at him. He is an adult, adults make stupid choices. Guilt tripping (even out of concern) someone by pointing

I think it was from you, now that I see your screen name. It's genius! Thanks again for sharing it.

Yeah see that's what I was thinking. I guess it seems like it's been longer than a month because we spend everydamnday together but when I step back and look at it, yep, it's only been a month.

Just to play Devil's Advocate... I would say just keep on with the "casual" thing through the end of your internship, if you're really only there for another two weeks. Even though he's maintaining that it's "not serious", if it's only been a month, I would say it's tough to judge whether it's serious or not. Continue

Andie and Stef. Now THAT would have been interesting.

Besides just the experience of sex being bad, which is enough reason, bad sex or just sex that was strange and not for you tends to say something about how you'll interact with the person in other ways, I've found. So yes, it's probably best to find out sooner than later I agree!

hahaha this is probably good advice.

I'm an adult who rounds up to 30. I'm in the middle of my very first watch-through of "Pretty in Pink."

Thank you!

I agree 100%. I really hated the ending. I haven't read any Margaret Atwood, but you have piqued my interest. I'll have to check her out.

I can totally see her as a poster child for MRA groups, but as I read the book, I mostly found myself thinking about how awful BOTH of them were. I mean, he is just as much a sexist stereotype as she is.

Considering that I'm 23, and still pining after a guy I briefly dated in college, stayed with friends with, and inconveniently redeveloped a crush on a few months before we both moved, I think you're in a good place. A better place than I am. Just do what makes you feel comfortable and safe (in a good way, not in a

Hey thanks for the positive reinforcement! A few of my friends eye me sideways when I tell them I just get tired of guys after a few weeks, but there's only so much you can talk about and only so many sex positions you can try before I just stop being into it.

Me again! Is anyone else weird and get bored of potential romantic partners after a few weeks? I find myself running into that problem all the time. I'll start off talking to someone, things will be going great, and then all of a sudden a little switch goes off and I'm like ughhhh. I find the act of like, having to

Eh, texts from gay white boys wouldn't read much different outside of it ending with sort of a bored agreement to meet for casual sex.

I'm just always worried that it plus my depression is a deal breaker in a relationship for some people so I should tell them early on so I haven't led them on at all. I just don't want to be that open with people I don't know so I often feel very conflicted and I just don't know what to do. But in the future Iwill

This makes me want to cry :( I'm glad it wasn't me fucking things up. I never thought being a virgin was so terrible (I'm barely 25 which I know is older...) but now I don't have a clue what to do in terms of telling future guys??

One very enthusiastic "thumb" up.

I meant in addition to, but it's always good to know it's appreciated. :D