
Is that a geisha who serves custard, or custard in the shape of a geisha? Custard is indeed very soft, so I don’t it would hold a geisha-shape very well.

I was born in a prison, no hope for escape
I got used to the silence, as I stuck in my cage

Naaw, they aren’t that bad. Lords of the Fallen was a fun little romp -if a bit on the easy side- and I thought The Surge was genuinely good. I’ll admit I’m never to good with sticking with Souls games and their ilk, though. I’ve played Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3, the Surge and Lords, and of those I’ve only actually


Even though I’ve spent almost 300 hours with Borderland 2 (and about 100 between Borderlands 1 and TPS), I haven’t gotten very excited to pick up Borderlands 3 yet. Reviews seem a little middling, and I’m just not hungry for a new shooter or RPG, I guess.

With Fahey bringing his charm, wit, excellent taste in video games and bearded good looks and Totilo uh... being Stephen Totilo! Yay!

Just that, really. “UK woman has untreated eating disorder”. Slow news day, I guess.

Hear hear, mate. People preaching nonsense like this make me wanna order a quarter-pounder with a side of chicken tenders just to spite them, even though I’m all for limiting my consumption of meat for reasons like “not fucking up the planet” and “withholding support from the eldritch horror that is the meat industry”.

She got black coffee, milkshake AND peppermint tea. Add whiskey and beer on the non-nonalcoholic side and that’s all I need for life, I shit you not.

Never understood this. “it reminds people of sex and vaginas” Well mate, the slice of cake I’m having conjures up mental images of last Tuesday’s rumpy-pumpy, then I applaud the fuckin’ chef.

Cooking with beer always went wrong for me. I like to taste ingredients like this, so I’ll take a swig of beer, consider the flavour, chop up some things while I’m considering, take another swig, match some herbs and spices to the flavour, have a few more sips to be sure, pop the meat in the pan, drink a little more

Man, imagine that Geralt on a bobbed Harley “Roach”... *chef hand kiss* perfection. Also, are those baseball bats on his back? 

I got one of these plans, which I share with my partner, her parents and her sister+partner. So... yeah, it stays in the family.

I tried making ‘fried’ chicken in the airfryer once, and although I’m a huge, HUGE fan of airfrying in general and will preach about it to anyone who’ll listen... I didn’t like it as much. I used an egg-wash and breading similar to what’s being done here, and used baking spray and a little sunflower oil to get the

Yeah, dead-serious, this looks like a hoot. Creepy ad, but the game really looks quite fun. I’ll probably buy it day 1.

Doesn’t look nearly as comfortable, though... My back hurts just looking at that Cyberpunk bike.

Man, that Final Fantasy bike looks like a Yamaha Vmax and a Yamaha MT-01 had a child, which grew up, got way into cybergoth apparal, had an insane growth spurt and decided to -sucessfully- get completely and utterly fucking jacked in the gym.

I tend to save a little bit of my favourites bits of a meal for last; but mostly just indiscriminantly devour my sustenance in no particular order.

It puts the joy-con in the ring or else it gets the hose again.

“Take extra big bites. Put knife way, waaaaaay in there. Untill it comes out the other end.”