
I would like this to be the remedy to ALL industries with a pattern and practice of sexual malfeasance against women. What a lovely idea for a deterrent! It boils down to: “if you can’t play nicely, then I will take away your toy and give your toy to your sister”.

make the sub crews all-woman. problem solved.

Let’s just stop any more White Males from entering the country until we get a handle on this problem.

I often am stuck with a “I ain’t got the spoons for this shit” day and I have, on more than one occasion, awarded myself with a fancy coffee or a cookie just for taking a shower or brushing my teeth. Because there was a time in my life where those things didn’t happen for far longer than I’m comfortable revealing

Okay so I know you were talking about, you know, ‘THE NORMAL’ healthy humans BUTTTTTT...

This makes me think of the Hawkeye Initiative, where Hawkeye is put in the same poses as female comic book characters to show how stupid the poses are, but we accept them from the ladies because we’re used to looking at them that way. Like this:
