I'm surprised you still have time to read Deadspin.
I'm surprised you still have time to read Deadspin.
I can’t be the only one who saw him in the first teaser and cringed, thinking to ones self “This shit is just here to sell toys, isn’t it?”. I want to go back and smack early 2015 Bus Driver. We need a subtitled movie of BB-8 and R2-D2's wacky space adventures.
Unless he stole your laptop. That’s another acceptable time to dislike him.
I agree that Samer is being childish and overly-literal in an attempt to score points, but this has nothing to do with “slippery slopes.”
Brady is friends with Trump and stated today that he supports his friend in everything he does; this presumably includes Trump stating publicly and clearly that he would like to ban Muslims from the United States.
This Bills fan, spotted at a tailgate around 9:30 a.m. by a tipster, needed to heed the call of nature. He did so…
“I did it because people wanted to read it, and because it was important that they did.” - Wouldn’t the complete and utter a) inaction on the part of political change re: guns b) 100% likelihood of another mass shooting in a month or two (or sooner) belie this statement? I mean, let’s be honest with ourselves, does…
You know how y’all love laughing with Marshawn Lynch as he trolls the media, lamenting the fact that sports journalism has descended to such depths that sports reporters really can’t ask a worthwhile question?
“I spent one Christmas knocking on the doors of the parents of murdered children.”