I would notice Wiig. She has kind of an worn, exhausted hotness… if that makes any sense
I would notice Wiig. She has kind of an worn, exhausted hotness… if that makes any sense
Do NOT insert bent paper clip into your urethra
I've got a lump on one of my joonicles. Should I be concerned?
This poop will change your life
Stranger = sit on your hand until it goes numb
* gentle sobbing *
Deep Cheeks was a great movie!
But why are they shooting Jason Statham??
They should have gone with Frank Darabont's first draft. The original rape artwork he commissioned really sold it!
I think you've said enough
You magnificent bastard!
Some of the later Atari 2600 games (developed by 3rd parties) were actually pretty good.
Oh man, I played PacMan on the 2600 too.
Funniest Simpsons quote: "Baby makes boom-boom"
Where the fuck you been, homie?
Just two balls, but lots of tumours
Just two balls, but lots of tumours
That happened to my penis one time.
That happened to my penis one time.