Barry Man-ee-Low

The first one was ok for me, nothing special but good action film if not for the fact that Shia Labeouf shouted too much in this film. Then it got worse from film to film. Shia shouted even more, action sequences and fights were confusing AF, storyline was borderline ridiculous, dialogues were too cheezy for a film.

I want The Other Guys 2 damn it

These actors deserve better than this

Agreed, the only reason why this mindset is more pronounced among youths and elders is that they have too much time on their hands. The only thing that keeps my workplace from going all drama is that people need to retain their professional integrity.

Tbh High School mentality is everywhere. My place of work is full of people with that mentality, college still had people like that and I'm sure even politics is full of that.

At least Mike is ok… oh wait, damnit Mike, signing these forms will eventually lead you to a journey to hell with terrible encounters.

I hope Half Life 4 is better than HL3 which was just disappointing

hugs are an unecessary sign of affection. If you want to show affection to somebody, use your words. My father never gave me a hug and he always made it clear he never cared for me. In fact, it was festivus everyday in my house with him. And I feel fine, despite what my current and former therapists say.

Rumor has it Spielberg wanted him to be Harry Potter. I'm glad it did not happen tbh.

I wonder. If Nora's story is true and Laurie's foetus departed, was there just a foetus lying around in the alternate world? How about the baby in the car? Did someone adopt that baby?

Yeah. I keep watching it and hating it at the same time. It hasnt reached the level of TWD for me yet (i stopped watching that shit altogether) but it's getting on my fucking nerves. They should've ended this show sooner like the original one.

Groot knows how to be angry

Why did the make up department give a Prosthetic Kenneth Branagh to the mustache? Seems like a random choice.

Lol I remember watching 10 min of the first episode and immediately had more sympathies towards Kevin James and Adam Sandler.

I only like Marco Polo for Benedict Wong. This guy is the series' MVP.

LMAO they called it Red Pill? Are they even trying to look like a serious legitimate group?

he is talking about a mathematical function on the calculator ffs. Despite the constant negative, press the button covfefe on the calculator which will solve the equation. Trump is a mathematician outside of office.

The Gift was pretty great!

The mob will burn this place for sure

At least she didnt do like the Queen who visited the victims to ask them if they enjoyed the concert.