Barry Man-ee-Low

Especially after Emmitt told him not to do it.

It may be because of the makeup but I often caught myself forgetting that both brothers are played by the same guy. McGregor is definitely good at both roles.

Why do everything gotta be disappointing these days!?

On a side note, is the music store the one where Pete showed his mad piano skills in BB?

My thought was she is still resentful toward Laurie for having harrassed people like her when she was part of the Living Remnants.

I'm from a muslim family and my parents are somewhat practicing - they dont eat pork, nor do they drink alcohol and they do ramadan when they feel like it (lol). They dont pray or go to mosque but they're still hung up on the not drinking and eating pork thing. I think the not eating pork thing has more of a cultural

yeah, its a petty attitude but damn do I hate it when the brightness of the phone screen blurs my vision.

Not now Jian-Yang!

Stop being a narc bro

So what do you guys think is his end game using the doctor?

I think when she made Mike work to give her money so that she could move to a safer neighborhood, she was sorta playing him, trying to convince him there was a threat. I think she is still playing him, but in a non-ill-intentioned way.

Nacho's father seems like a nice and honest fella (based on his interaction with Mike last season). I hope Hector gets his stroke before the father is pulled in that shitty business.

So is Mike's daughter in law lying to him just like last time with the supposed threat in her street?

Thats what happens when you try to substitute sugar with that stevia shit.
Also it seems Nacho's gonna go with the same strategy with the pill.

Are your friends rich though?

Impressive, I can barely cover the 19th century

chronologically from Washington?

He was pretty good in Nocturnal Animals though.

Lucky you

I think its more gonna be that Jimmy will just continue doing schemy things with sketchy people and it will backlash on her reputation causing her to leave him forever.