I rewatched a clip from BB season 4 where she actually blackmails Walt for 20-25k. She eventually broke bad too.
I rewatched a clip from BB season 4 where she actually blackmails Walt for 20-25k. She eventually broke bad too.
such a 90s type of show idea
Wow even on Godfather… He practically fought to have this role.
"Go fuck yourself San Diego"
More like The Evil West Wing.
That's true, the Canadian government and its people have been fucking terrible with Native Americans and still are today despite their recent attempts of reconciliation.
To be fair to them, that one thing they are accusing her of, encompass a societal issue that needs to be fixed ASAP. If the accusations against her are substantiated and true, then it's pretty shitty. The legacy of school segregation is still vibrant today and it affects future generations. Luckily we got people like…
Ok Mr. Garrison
HBO will never yield to Netflix. They want you to get their HBO Now platform
Didn't he kill the snake to eat it?
A bit judgemental much. Some people have their own particular taste no matter if it seems weird to others.
The ones that I saw in my town are filled with spiders. Lift your head up and you'll see a multitude of them just hanging in their webs.
Ben Carson would be a great voice-over artist for Zazu
Yes CGI animals are now considered live-action. Humans CGI too. Computer people and animals are very live and very real. Computer world is very pretty. You should join computer generated world. It is utopia.
Just curious, why is there a general hate on Josh Gad?
Oh shit you might just be right! I don't remember much about season 1 either but now that you mention it, I can see the parallel.
I know what I'm saying is, he might be an animal lover and felt so bad about accidentally hitting that roo that he went on a shitty mood for the rest of the night. That's how Nora copes with her own loss. Ultimately I'm just running off my mind on what this character was or could have been so don't take my words too…
I guess it's to make us feel less bad about his death. But maybe he was just an asshole that night because he killed that Kangaroo or Wallabe. Maybe he is just like Nora - hurt on the inside.
To be fair her answer to his story was kind of petty so what he said after wasn't exactly gratuitous.
I mean Mad Men and Breaking Bad are two of the best shows created in the past two decades. TWD and Fear TWD have really tainted their reputation as prestigious cable and none of the new shows they are making seems to be picking up. I still love Better Call Saul though.