Barry Man-ee-Low

Hizdahr zo Loraq is dead? when did that happen? During the ambush at the arena?

Ser Pounce is a faceless man

Bashing on Davos, one of the only person in the show that hasn't shown any ill intention, is not being "girly" or "boyish", it is being irrational. I only blame her decisions with Joffrey, LF and Ramsay because she is scolding Jon on chosing Davos as his advisor as if it was a stupid decision. It has nothing to do

Lyanna is 10 years old, you don't see her betraying her family and following dicks. Even Arya and Dany have better judgement than her. Look at the Reed children, they are smart. Yes I judge that 12 year old girl, daughter of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark but age does not make a difference in this world. She betrayed

It's not about the degree of trust. It's about who she trusted. First it was Joffrey who clearly showed signs of dementia, then it was LF who betrayed her father. It was obvious for both of them that they were not to be trusted. She refused to trust the Hound and that I can understand but Davos, poor guy did nothing

Red Priest is probably planning on burning Lyanna…smh

No worries, Arya is gonna be saved by the theatre troop and she will join them just like the Hound joined the Septon and when the faceless men will murder every one in the troop she will add them to her list.

Thats 100% true, but it's not Davos' fault.

What does Davos have to do with her PTSD? Granted she does not know him and he served a different King than Robb, the guy managed to convince Lyanna to give some of her men when neither Jon nor her could do it. Plus the guy was one of the only one who stood up for Jon when the crows wanted him dead. And Stannis lost

When Sansa started to diss Davos behind his back I was pissed as hell. She started to blindlessly follow a brothel owner so she could be sold to a sadist and then she criticizes Jon on chosing Davos as an adviser? Come on Sansa, I tought you wised up.

When she got stabbed I thought she would remove her face and it would be the Waif and the other Waif would have been like "waaaaaaat" and the second Waif would remove her face and it would DJ Khaled and he would say "congratulations, you played yourself" and then the Waif would remove her face and it would be Arya and

Nah Tommen is definitely not on to it. He is pretty clueless like his father in law.

Oleana vs Sam's father vs Blackfish vs Lyanna vs Smalljon: the real battle of the five kings

May they be in the same land as Gendry. Gone forever.

They should have had a conversation between his character and a Mr. Wu type of character where he would need to guess what the other is saying. He could have also treated the Hound the way Al treated Jewel, seeing as he is limping. You know, just for old time sake.

Probably the one where he says "sons of bitches"

You'd be surprised but even today people can be pretty passive over other people's tribulations

Back in Middle Age you were an adult at 7. General maturity has regressed to later years over the past decades.

Ian McShane in this episode really made me realized how much I miss Deadwood. I hope The Hound will hunt down those fuckers of the Brotherhood.
Lady Lyanna is definitely gonna make a great House Lord.
And Blackfish is a goddamn badass.

A horse can do anything, haven't you played skyrim?