Barry Man-ee-Low

Yep and hopefully not the last time!

It's interesting how even in this world people are homophobic. I will never never understand where the hate comes from and why it came.

To be fair, a lot of the Hound fighting skills are based on his strength and hefty body, something Arya doesn't have.

Oh… That would be an interesting turn of event

Now Jaime will have to help fucking Frey against blackfish. Jon is gonna arrive, a battle is gonna ensue and Ramsey will just laugh. Fuck this

Please dont mention them. They haven't appeared since episode 1 and I hope it just stays that way.

Yet another youth brainwashed by ISIS

If his Dad wanted the iron throne he could easily do it just by sitting on his chair and roasting all his enemies with an emotionless voice. Tyrion would have appreciated Tywin more had he known this guy.

Only in the flashbacks

He was so ridiculous on his horse with his armor on, it was hilarious.

Can I just say that Lil Sam is one of the cutest creature I have ever seen?

He will grow up to become as wise and honorable as Eddard Stark.
Come to think of it, most of the children in these shows that are not Starks, can be very upsetting.

Brienne will live happily forever and ever and have sweet little children with Tormund. Yes she will still think from time to time of her crush Jaime while Tormund reminisces on his experiences with the bear, but all in all they shall be happy.

When Joffrey died I laughed of pure joy but Ramsey came to a point where I'll just say 'Bye Felicia' when he'll die because he became so boring goddamn.



I don't hate Elizabeth, I hate what she does and why she does it. Fighting for a cause is only right when the cause is just. To me her whole patriotism is no better than the one of the rednecks that sit on their porch while mindlessly justifying the Irak invasion and seeing all foreigners as threat to their country. I

You're right. It just pisses me off that she is doing this to the only friend she has, while at the same time knowing it hurts, just because she thinks there is no other way to get intelligence. It's a damn shame I tell you. I can only hope now that when it falls out, they don't write it like the Lisa story line. That

I wouldn't mind seeing her slowly fall into madness and become a fanatic to the point of destroying her family (like in Breaking Bad). It would be good television depending on the execution of course.

I agree, Philip looked like fucking Walter White. And I'm currently feeling the same sentiments I had towards WW for Liz. At least WW was doing it under the pretense of protecting his family. Liz on the other hand is doing it for a government that clearly does not give two fuck about her family and well being.