
Did anyone else catch Hector's Mom shielding his eyes as Paula ran by trying to catch Rebecca? Uhhhhh….

Just the idea of Rebecca's parents in the same space after all these years is enough to make me both delighted and squeamish.

I noticed this too. Do you think Paula and her husband have a chance of mending things? Paula is clearly hurting a lot with what Scott did…but I can't help but think about how VERY close Paula was to almost doing the same thing in Season 1 (at the very least she temporarily checked out emotionally).

Maya has good taste. Try escape rooms guys, they can be a lot of fun.

And now neither will I! Thanks…I guess?

The first one felt middle of the road for this shows standards, so great but not amazing. But it seems like it might have been the "establishing the new season" episode, so hopefully things continue to stay at a higher level than it.

The humor and trainwrecks aren't for everyone. How far along did you make it and what were your thoughts on the characters and plot from when you stopped?

I also thought the story would be moving at a slower pace for Greg. Of course his alcohol recovery is still in early stages and at a pretty volatile moment with all the new info, but even him having that conversation with Rebecca was not what I thought we'd see this soon.

Question. Did Rebecca pull a Paula and manage to figure out how to triangulate his cellphone location, or did she ask Paula to do it? It seems like she didn't since Paula would have asked about the letter of recommendation that she didn't get.

…OHHH!!! THAT's the Rule!

I have to shout out "His Status is Preferred", for reasons I don't quite understand that song always gets overlooked, and it's a huge characterizing song for Paula.