
As much as I still care about resident evil, I would rather perfer the characters I saw in the game are pretty and appealing. I don’t care about their age, just like no one cared it when resident evil 4 was out. If you wanting to tide together beautiful characters with “woman’s value in our society” so much, Then all

about the WII U part i definitely agree. Its the same situation with WII. Lack of AAA product so people won’t even give a shit for it. This is the own making for Nintendo after they decided to play tricks on their console instead of truly developing their hardware

well then too bad. I wont pay for it. Unless the Rift incloud their Touch controller with that 600$

No seriously dude if you really like a game no matter its free to play or not just spend some money in it. It’s definitly no doube your money will become the most powerful support for the developer. Love playing a game but refuse to pay anything for just it simply because you think you’re controlled by it is such a

it will become the mainstream if they can lower the price back to 300$

Simply because HTC is a company that only play with concept but never focus on the user experience. Or not a company that start doing touch screen mobile phone earlier than any companies won’t fell to the edge of bust that easy. Anyways I agree that steam should do the headset on their own instead of letting HTC