When I was 16 and newly licensed, I got pulled over for the very first time for a rolling stop at a stop sign (which I still think is stupid if no cars are coming from the other directions, but that’s neither here nor there).
When I was 16 and newly licensed, I got pulled over for the very first time for a rolling stop at a stop sign (which I still think is stupid if no cars are coming from the other directions, but that’s neither here nor there).
I’m from Oklahoma, too, so I know exactly what you mean. In fact, Elizabeth Warren is ALSO from Oklahoma, so I never batted an eye at her claims.
There are countless families around here (mine included) that have a hint of Native American blood in them but either can’t proof it or don’t have quite enough to qualify for…
It should be called “Assassin’s Creed: We’re Gonna Take a Year Off So The Game’s Not Shit This Time.”
I guess I'm missing something. What is the point of the Amiibos anyway? I guess I thought you'd be able to level up your Amiibo on Smash Bros., then bring him over to Mario Party & have some kind of "leveled-up" advantage. I get that they only have a tiny bit of memory, but now they just seem trivial. And Nintendo…
I think this is a brilliant approach and, as someone who has limited time to actually play games these days, I find the continuing post-release content is much more helpful in deciding which games I should devote my time to. Reviews are nice, but continuing coverage is even better.
I will take ALL OF THE THINGS.
"Tweezers" and "eyes" are two words I never want to read in a sentence together...
Having not read the linked article yet (I bookmarked it for tomorrow), I have a question. How does one become a video game writer? I'm an aspiring screenwriter and I know the various ways to sell a script, but as a gamer I'd love the opportunity to write for video games, as well...
I've clearly got to catch up on Arrow. I watched the first 5 or 6 episodes and was bored silly. But since then I've managed to catch up on nearly every DC title, so they're teasing the shit out of me with all of these cameos...
LOL...I totally did. I figured it was just me!