Barry Block

It was really cool how Seattle wanted to tax enormous businesses just a liiiiiiittle bit to help fix our shameful, soul-crushing homelessness epidemic and Amazon (read: Bezos) threw all their weight behind the opposition. So cool. I love having an enormous parasite in my hometown. Like a tapeworm, it helps keep us

In fairness, Michael Moore is really irritating.

There were also a ton of boos during Marlon Brando’s refusal of his award. Now there’s one a lot of them are probably ashamed of now.

Well, they were right to boo him. After all, the Iraq invasion only lasted a few weeks, with Iraq quickly becoming a prosperous democracy. Sure, if the war was still going, and the thousands of civilian deaths had inspired a wide variety of violent organizations bent on killing as many people as possible while they

That’s ‘liberal’ Hollywood for you.

It was just a turn of phrase, you guys! Why are you so determined to make this about race?! You’re all monkeying this up with your cotton pickin’ minds! (/s)

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them..”

They know damn well he can’t run with shoes on.

We knew that as Brady began to reach the twilight years of his career he’d be in more games where he’d get outplayed by younger guys

I have fully lost two people in my life to Crossfit. I don’t think there’s inherently anything wrong with it - quite the contrary, I like people trying to be healthy and strong and have plenty of other friends who do it! - but the people I’ve lost, the Crossfit turned them into mega aggro psychopaths. Or maybe it

It can be both.


I consistently agree with you and, yet, find you insufferable. I’d be annoyed if I wasn’t so impressed.

Just try not to get the robot waitress's number. Because if Futurama has taught me anything, it's that sex with robots is just wrong. 

Excellent point. It’s not always easy to pour a beer properly (see: college parties).

This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”

Dear Salty Waitress,

Just take an internet break for a bit. Self care.

Redistricting. Ohio’s 4th is drawn to avoid any area that could remotely be called anything other than Rural. Look at this shit: