Yes, because our current president has given the world no reason to think so little of him.
Yes, because our current president has given the world no reason to think so little of him.
The one that signs Kaep.
The Eagles deserve Wince, and Foles deserves a better team. Foles has picked up the pieces for two straight seasons, and they have a Super Bowl ring to show for it. And the thanks he gets is getting benched? TWICE? Fuck off.
It’s as if pro sports are scripted or something.
I’m no fan of Cardi B, but I applaud her fire in dealing with this dumb bitch.
You guys — I think I’ve got this one figured out:
Chess vs. checkers, y’all.
Agreed. And I’m inclined to think that Mueller’s team is playing the game. If they speak in vague technicalities that prompt Trump and his people to squawk about “fake news,” there’s a good chance they get sloppy in their boisterousness. Give ‘em enough rope...
Time for you and all your shitbag ilk to move to an island and never come back.
This. I’m hoping this is the case. It was my immediate suspicion due to the vagueness of the Special Counsel’s statement. Very open-ended. But of course, the Right is screaming “FAKE NEWS!” Good. Give ‘em rope.
I’m sorry, what?
+1 black card
Hard to say — I’ve never been inside the mind of a toddler. (Other than my own diaper-shitting toddler mind that is far too removed to recall.)
It’s like a toddler who has shit in his diaper yet wonders where the stench is coming from.
Beto is a kook, man. A fraud. A poser. His voting record suggests he’s trying to infiltrate.
Maybe you should, like, stop talking, bro. For awhiiiiiiiiiile.
Man, it’s a good thing these dolts aren’t in charge of important shit in this country.
It’s as if these big, dumb white guys refuse to ever learn a damn thing.
And his base probably thinks that Budweiser is still an American beer.
First of all, jest. Second, offering an opinion as to what someone else might do is not an open call to violence. I’m guessing you’re a lot of fun at parties.