Barry Block

I’ll concede that there was a best boy there, but he’s not IATSE.

True indeed. And to Ferrell’s credit, he did help produced both Succession and Vice.

I really wish that Will Ferrell would do more projects like Stranger Than Fiction, and that John C. Reilly would go back to doing films like Hard Eight.

+1 mescaline trip 

Definitely an open secret around town. He was the first person I thought of when the Weinstein story broke and everyone started asking “Who else is gonna get busted?”


You know what else moves to follow its subject? Portal by Facebook.

It only “looks” professional, and even that is debatable (again, see: flat lighting). Sure, it’s a clean, hi-res image, but that can be achieved with an iPhone at this point. I seriously doubt there was a legit crew involved with this.

I can’t believe something so high-profile, yet so inept, got made.

There really isn’t much production value to this. At all. It’s a single shot; the lighting is flat and uneven; and the frame is so tight that you don’t see much beyond Spacey’s big, dumb face. This feels more like an impromptu thing he sprung on a relative who was invited over for Christmas Eve dinner.

This deserves so many more stars. 

Don’t count out the Bengals giving him a chance. 

Trump reportedly didn’t even tell Mattis about the firing personally—he had Secretary of State Mike Pompeo do it for him.

Not sure if this has been floated on here yet — and not saying it has any real bearing on the underlying issue — but isn’t Louie’s ex wife black?

Defeated ISIS? Cool. Now, how about a big ol’ MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner? 

This is way too much of a think piece for our friend “Duhbest1.”

I certainly applaud LBJ for calling out the NFL. However, I think his scope is too narrow. All major pro sports operate with a plantation mentality. Sure, players are getting paid huge sums of money, etc., but there are numerous strings attached.

See, that’s where you’re wrong, because — unlike her — I don’t worship money.

Tired & Bleak is a great name for her next anything.