Barry Block

Barry sitting at #10 is proof that I don’t need to read any more AV Club rankings ever again. 

My favorite part of this classic clip is W’s smirk after the first shoe.

I’ve never understood how or why Chuck has a job. 

Well shit. After reading this article and realizing that I am a member of “the Caucasian contingent,” I was forced to throw away my entire spice cabinet. No more Lawry’s, Old Bay, or Salt Lick for me and my kind.

We’re talking about Merly here, pal. Not sure who this “Meryl” is...

What the fucking fuck??

That would require people to hold two thoughts in their head, and most are not equipped to do so. 

You leave Merly out of this. 

What the actual fuck, man? 

I’m clinging to hope that it’s Andy Kaufman under that Trump mask, and that this whole thing is a long, elaborate ruse. Oh, we’re all gonna laugh at this one day...

Did Allen even consider that perhaps Trump’s new, very chill demeanor (if that were even true) stems from his attorneys finally saying, “No, for real dude — time to shut the fuck up” because The Mueller is coming?

Now playing

Good riddance. Peretti is a humorless bore. Like, as a human.

I had no idea Yeezy was a 13-year-old.

This comment is why I’m here.

It’s like Republicans have it out for half the country or something.

Precisely. Thank you for elaborating upon and clarifying my point.

“I don’t know why she’s so upset,” McCain reportedly said.

I was taught this lesson (that money will not fill voids or make one happy) as a teenager. Funny how this still escapes people. 

Here’s Lindsey Graham Admitting He’s Full a Piece of Shit

I don’t tweet. I stopped Facebooking. I rarely Instagram. I own a flip phone. It’s fucking Walden.