GHWB was the best! Just watch this awesome documentary about his work:
GHWB was the best! Just watch this awesome documentary about his work:
Shoot dang, I’m in love with this woman.
Vin Diesel is 225 lbs. and has bodyguards with him all the time. He also whines on set. Apparently his tough guy image is as weak as his acting. He and Kid should have a slap fight to the death.
I’m really over all the Brees hagiography. Yes, he’s great at his job. But he’s also a poster boy for the NFL/military industrial complex USAF profiteering humpfest partnership.
Great read!
Of course Coleman Young.
What about this asshole?
I’ll take Baltic and Mediterranean.
Maybe you guys can hold out for Amazon?
I’m your huckleberry, jackass.
Legalize weed.
This Steve McQueen made Hunger, so you should be very, very excited.
Will not answer that, BUT! — it’s the same scene-stealing dog from Game Night.
I really, really, REALLY hate to say this, but every time CNN allows/pays this fuckstick to appear on their network, they are proving the president correct in his claim that “the media is the enemy of the people.”
Support The Troops.
Public school boards: gutless, useless.
What a pile of dogshit. Hollywood: The Circlejerk of Life.
It’s satire.
Like God intended.