Barry Block

So where does this fall on the scale of “big operation” to “gear in the machine?”

I would star this post, but didn’t for fear of tracking. 

WTF is CN wearing?

That’s some shit. Wow. 

He had me at Mario Savio. 

Kaepernick actually changed how he did his initial protest after speaking to veterans about whether it was respectful.

Ohio State fans are the fucking WORST.

No, I’m with you. Not really sure why everyone loves his music so much that they’re willing to run themselves over with their cars.

Bandar “Bush” definitely is. 

Atari 2600 / 7800 = pronounced “Atari”

So no posthumous inductions moving forward... OR... Maybe families will be told - to paraphrase Ed Rooney, Dean of Students - something like, “You produce a corpse and we’ll dig up your bust.”

Been waiting for someone to bring this up. So will it be before or after a massacre that people will widely characterize Drumpf’s mouth garbage as hate speech?

Wells Fargo: White People Can Totally Trust Us Again! 

You’re no fun! 

How Barry of them. Who knows how many people they’ve killed! 

Wells Fargo: Established 1852, Re-Established 2018, Re-Re-Established 2018.

Yep, eye for an eye, just like Jesus said.