
It’s 4 pm and I’m still in pajamas.

You actually said a lot more than that and included several clear distortions of the facts but whatever.

The past you are referring to is actually quite recent.

Been there. It sucks.

Yes it was.

The thing is I don’t remember anyone affiliated with Girls claiming that the show is supposed to speak for an entire generation. That was really the media.

Well I’m also guilty of being happy. Happy that these women were able to remember what he did to them given the drugs he made sure they got. Most opioid naive people probably wouldn’t remember. Or if they did, it would all seem so unreal like as if it happened in a dream and perhaps not be completely sure of their own

That is living the life.

I have been told that there are laser treatments but I haven’t tried them because I am too broke at the moment.

“You should smile more often.”

No. You’re not responsible for the amount of time I spend thinking about the things I hate about my own body. Even if you hadn’t brought up your own stretch mark issues, I would still be thinking about my broken capillaries. It’s on me, not you.


My stretch marks don’t bother me. My broken capillaries, especially the ones on my face, really bother me though. I feel like a hideous beast without make up. To each their own insecurities.

This guy is so far removed from reality...

Flagged motherfucker. And I only had to read 3 of your posts.

But would he still financially profit off of her work even if she’s working with a different producer? I realize financial issues are the least of it here but I am genuinely confused about what this move on Sony’s part means. And I think it would be appalling if he (I refuse to type his name) continued to make money

It’s been my experience that SSRIs like lexapro can actually set off manic episodes so maybe it’s a good thing that he went off it if he really had been taking it and not just looking for a word to rhyme with another word. Granted, his behavior has still been weird. Really weird. I can’t with this guy anymore. Can’t

People do deal with emotional events in different ways. It would be incorrect for anyone, as you said, to criticize how another person expresses grief.

That’s probably true! And forget about the stuff they will put in their mouths later once they get old enough to move around on their own and get into everything. Never in my life did I ever think that I would have to actually tell someone, repeatedly, to stop licking a subway pole but here I am.

The mouth was my main concern. I am not a doctor and don’t know enough about these things but am unaware if microbiota on the skin is the equivalent of what should be in the gut.