
Given Crosby’s precarious neurological status, you really kind of hope he can avoid future concussions. But, holy shit, he doesn’t make it easy. Hitting a guy in the nuts for no reason is just asking to get run thru on the boards.

It was fake news that he got the real truth about on Freedom Eagle at Facebook dot com. That whole thing never happened. Emails! Crooked Hillary!

God, you’re dumb. I just want to keep poking you so you’ll keep responding. What else can we talk about?

Wow, so you’re that guy. Suspected and confirmed. Keep congratulating yourself for having minimum basic human decency and keep talking about your “self- awareness” without apparent self- awareness about how clueless that sounds. I’d bet my entire bank account that the police have been to your house at least once for a

My white, middle- aged, very well off older brother spends an inordinate amount of his time working himself into a lather at the thought that a trans person might try to use the same bathroom as his teenage daughter. His head almost explodes when I laugh at him about it. It must be exhausting to be a whiny whiteboy

Guys who say they treat women with respect are suspect. Cf., the current POTUS. If you do it, you shouldn’t have to tell everyone. It’s taken for granted that any normal, ethical adult male treats everyone with respect.

You’re gonna feel kinda dumb when you look up the meaning of the word ambivalence.

You say “playing” everyday, but what you meant is “batting” everyday.

A DH doesn’t exactly play baseball, a DH bats every few innings. Even a pitcher has to field his position.

Drake is a school where christ-y crazy people go to be as jesus-y as they want to be. One of my co- workers went there and she couldn’t be nicer. She also talks about gay people deserving death and eternal damnation the way normal people talk about what they had for breakfast. She is literally indifferent to any

I was the road ragiest dick for a long time. Following people, having actual physical confrontations and all that. (A guy once almost ran me off the road and was doing 25 over on residential road, i ended up behind him in line inside a restaurant. I loudly told him, in front of his wife and children, that he drives

I watched the original Star Wars over the weekend for the first time in 20 years. It’s amazing how laughably awful it is on every level. Even taking into account the era and the primitive technology, it’s just absurdly bad. Plot, acting, dialogue, etc. Oof. And it’s supposedly some important American cultural

Hard to put into words what a lowlife piece of shit McGregor is.

Ashley, don’t ever change. You’re the best thing out there.

You don’t know what a metaphor is either. Giving up the ghost means to die. Its not ambiguous. Even metaphorically using “give up the ghost” as a way to say quit hockey doesn’t make any sense.

But any normal person would agree that this is a grossly disproportionate response to a couple kids expressing a harmless opinion. Obviously, a sanctimonious, self- important winner like you isn’t going to see that. You gotta go right for the “no sympathy” hot take so we all know what an awesome hard- ass you are.

I would kill to see Barry Bonds’ American Legion stats.