Barry knows CPR and took that guy's wallet

Dear Adobe,

Wait... it can connect to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection? That could pose even more problems then. People could create Pokemon and trade them over the GTS. Not that that doesn't happen already....

@deanbmmv: That first one is completely unrealistic. No one in Japan owns a Xbox 360. They probably can't even recognize one, let alone make its controller with rice.

@-Skyline-: Offering FREE Grunt Birthday Parties!: Maybe you should put your pens on chains like at the bank and post office.

The title of the release and the above excerpt clearly shows that Sony enjoys using big words and repeating itself.

I don't know what the largest capacity of a UMD is, but a DS cartridge can go up to 4GB. The Another World, the game being made between Studio Ghibli and level5 will use one.

If I worked at Sony, they WOULD be real ads.

If you can invite people, I wouldn't be surprised if there was an explosion of Wave invites on Twitter. But I got my Brizzly invite from Twitter, so...

How could they not send me an invite? I sent them Paul Simon lyrics when I signed up!

@jupiterthunder: Are you saying that DD-WRT can broadcast basically two networks - one secured and another WEP just for the DS? Interesting...

@jupiterthunder: Why would you change the firmware from Tomato to DD-WRT? My Wii connects fine to my router running Tomato. My DS doesn't, but only because I have WPA2 enabled. When I have no security on it, my DS Phat connects just fine.

Is there any way to do this in Ubuntu? Or maybe in a Windows XP VM running in VirtualBox?

@igorzal: What version of Ubuntu are you running? I've had to use the Terminal before, and I've only gotten the commands because I use the Internet, but they're not that crytic. Besides, anything you can do with the Terminal, you can do in a GUI.

Tell that to Microsoft. There's nothing easier than installing a a Deb package or checking a box in Add/Remove.

@Phydeaux: And the Wii? They had to recall GH3 for the mono sound issue.

@Cige: I guess that would make it more convienent for new users, but it's not like it's any different from Windows. Windows has built-in MP3 support, but in Ubuntu - any version - you can automatically download the codec. And if you tweak the settings, you can get restricted stuff and "ugly" and "bad" packages with

How is this any different from Ubuntu Netbook Remix? Easy Peasy is based off Ubuntu I know, but it looks exactly the same and includes most of the same programs. Why is Easy Peasy so special?

And how does she expect Activision to do this? GH5 is already out. There's no way to remove a feature without recalling it. And who's going to send in their disc for a disc with less content? Maybe they didn't want to play as Cobain anyways, but still. It's ridiculous.