Barry knows CPR and took that guy's wallet

@subnet6: No, not really. The ESRB is great. Easy to understand ratings on the front, and informative content descriptions on the back. (You know, you can ask the store employee to get the game out from behind the glass so you can read the content descriptions.) The movies don't have that. Besides, movies can go

First of all, the government has no right or need to protect The Children. They have Parents that should protect Their Children. It's very easy to understand the game ratings (more so than the movie ones). Look on the front: "E for Everyone or "M for Mature." Then, you look on the back and it has warnings about the

@tcolberg: I switched to Gmail completely recently. It seemed silly to have Gmail account and a Yahoo account and not use the Gmail account very much. Besides, you can now migrate mail and contacts from Yahoo into Gmail. Now I just use Yahoo for Flickr.

@veronykah: Gmail does auto-delete spam email. After 30 days. Yahoo does the same thing.

I don't think these faces are exclusive to playing video games... especially that second one....

@IvanDashSmith: No, but if you want, you can buy Wii Fit Plus with a balance board included. If you already have one, you'll be able to get just the game.

@RagnarokBlade: Do the Wii GH controllers work with RB2? I wouldn't think so since the GH guitars are wireless with the Wiimotes and last I checked, the RB guitars were USB.

Hell yeah! I love "Hey Bulldog"! Still won't cough up $250 for the entire bundle. If my GH guitars work with the game, then I'll just get the disc. If not... maybe I can find a used copy and a used guitar.

If I hook up my iSmell to my Xbox 360, put one of those scented tree things on my virtual rearview mirror, will it make my gaming room smell pine fresh?

Clever... but it could use more drawers.

@Fabrictramp: The Wikipedia editors didn't think they were reliable sources.

Let me get this straight - they made an announcement announcing the will be making another announcement? If they already know the release date (they've probably had one set for months now), why didn't they just announce it now?

@Ghede: SUBTLETY?!?! I think it was quite obvious that Yossarian intended to confuse me, and you know what? It worked.

Is Rod Humble using Internet Explorer...? uh-oh. Somebody needs to show him the power of Firefox.

These polls don't prove anything. We all know Pidgin is the best.

VOTE: Foxit (and whatever Ubuntu uses to open PDFs.)

I REALLY, REALLY want to play "American Girl" on my TV... but... no thanks... The Beatles Rock Band will be my last music game.

Pidgin. Tried Digsby, but I didn't like it. Not only that, but even if they stopped all that crapware, they still have a reputation for it. And I can't forgive them for it.