Oh no now we won’t be able to read your incoherent ramblings anymore.
Oh no now we won’t be able to read your incoherent ramblings anymore.
I am the caretaker at Splinter, which is still online with fully functioning Kinja comment sections. I will ungrey any Jezebel mourners who wish to leave condolences at the Splinter link below. My customary mode is funereal, so this will be no imposition.
Fucking Spanfeller. Fuck you .
Fuck Jim Spanfeller and fuck Peter Thiel into the goddamn sun.
And I literally just got ungreyed here like a week ago. Damn.
i try to be open-minded about the young people’s music, even if it’s to recognize that this music is not made for me or my age group.
That’s the thing though - from what I can see, the phrase is being used in a light and humourous way. When someone on Twitter asks a question like this, then even I have to admit that shit’s pretty funny:
I found that rather jarring myself. My first thought was: what does “serving cunt” mean, anyway? I wondered whether the c-word was simply used in place of “women.” Surely not? As in, the suit would not only keep the wearer alive, but would also serve the women who would be wearing it, because (unlike the old suits) it…
Everything I know about DeGrassi High is from The Kroll Show, which I assume is a faithful representation of the original.
So it’s her fault? JFC she’s in a hospital in nowheresville NY.
My mother-in-law had to deal with crap like this when her pregnancies ran into problems, where she wasn’t allowed to make decisions and they had to get her husband to decide things, even though she was perfectly alert and competent, and an entire damn hospital kicked her out forcing her to go to a whole different town…
Always remember: With Republicans, cruelty is a feature not a bug.
low key there’s a lot of nurses that are crazy religious nuts, My first child spent a couple weeks in the NICU and they were almost all crazy old church ladies, even in Southern California.
Thanks to Republicans
What absolute bullshit. I’d hope that doc is personally named in the suit, and not just Albany Partners.
The fact that the term he used for her potential mate was, “steady partner” (as in the phrase “going steady”, which fell out of fashion in the 1960s), should tell you all you need to know about where (or more to the point when) this doctor is, as a person...
The state of New York legalized abortion in 1970; Roe being overturned should have absolutely no bearing on this whatsoever. The hospital is gonna lose unless they pay her a TON of money & fire that doctor.
Sue them into oblivion.
The fuck is wrong with this doctor? (never mind, I know.)