
So what I’m hearing is, I can post personal attacks right here, and it’ll actually cause CEOs to lose sleep?

Are you insinuating that CEOs are over-represented by psychopaths and sociopaths?

Clearly this article is a hit piece intended to distract from all the hard work being done by the good people at HBO who have been dedicated to making the place for high quality entertainment at low, competitive pricing.  

Alright then. Fuck you, pay your artists and employees what they’re worth!

It is amazing that people with that much power have such thin skin.  

Friendly reminder that network executives have feelings too.

Your subscription dollars in action, ladies and gentlemen.

Yeah I’m 100% expecting Locarno to hold a grudge against Paris. “We were both in prison for similar shuttle accidents, but then he gets a day pass to fly Voyager and gets trapped in the Delta Quadrant and now he’s some kind of hero? But I serve my entire sentence and can’t get the time of day when I get out, that’s

Mariner and Ma’ah’s conversation reminded me of that Klingon mental health meme and how a Klingon psychiatrist should be a thing.

Whenever people criticize shows like Picard or Discovery for not understanding what Trek is all about, the usual rebuttal is that some fans simply don’t want anything new. But here’s Lower Decks, consistently being a weird, unique entry in Trek history that also consistently gets what is so fundamental about Trek.

Seconded. He needs to just get past it as well as over it. It’s legit detraction as well as distraction from any good points he makes in this current season. 

it’s Whitbrook’s opinion, and he’s entitled to it

No kidding.

Mariner was explicitly at the Academy with Locarno and Sito (and by inference Wesley). Harry Kim would have been there at the same time logically. (Tom Paris might have been as well, since he is, for all intents and purposes, basically just Locarno.)

It’s kinda difficult to parse the ages of all of these characters due to the stylization of animation. I guess it can just be chocked up to really good medical treatments in the 24th century.

makes sense. Glad they’re picking this story up.

The issue is money. Paramount/CBS wasn’t “barred” from using Locarno. They have to pay a royalty fee to do so, as they don’t own the character outright.

season three’s similarly frustrating arc for its heroes

Hmmm, so Sito, Locarno, Mariner, Wesley Crusher, and Harry Kim were all at the Academy together? Lots of interesting pairings could be made around them.

Question, wasn’t there an issue with the Locarno and the First Duty screenwriter over rights issues that barred them from possibly using the character in Voyager or was that a fan myth?