Barrister of the Bar

There is a subtext to that plot that got lost. I think that Margery thought that if Loras confessed, he's be spared punishment, but still be able to be a Tyrell. Her coming up to the High Sparrow afterwards suggests that he either broke his promise or she misunderstood her. But I was expecting Margery to get her

Who comes and kills the Freys? The Starks? Busy. Riverrun? Imprisoned. They're an army without a leader, and considering they just fought and won with the Lannisters, it makes sense they turn to them.

Littlefinger doesn't gain anything by staying in the North. How does he get the Iron Throne by fighting the White Walkers? Being a power player with the current Queen makes more sense to me.

So my fun is trying to figure out how you make the Cersei v Dany fight competitive. Right now, It's everyone against Cersei, but having them ride up and stomp the Red Keep seems anti-climatic.

It's very un-Stark, but very like Littlefinger. Looks like she's picked up more lessons than she's let on.

Faith militant don't need or maybe don't even want a clear win. If the ruling King dies of Trial by Combat defending the Faith, how do they not benefit from the power vacuum? They'll be the only "legitimate" source of power left, especially since Tommen has no heirs.

What if Tommen is the Faith's Champion? I can totally see the High Sparrow talking Tommen into the need for the Crown to physically defend the faith, and Margery might be willing to talk him into it if it means getting rid of Cercei. Zombie Mountain may not be able to understand that he shouldn't kill Tommen after

CleganeBowl= confirmed for episode 9? You need at least one episode to set up the Hound before the fight.

I know it'd be less painful if Littlefinger married Sansa, but is it less creepy?

GoT has had a bunch of awful things so far- no reason an abortion can't be one of them. /s

GRRM has already said that some pivotal plot points in the books will rely on people already dead in the show, so I have to say the books control. But I doubt they'll get the major strokes wrong.

It's a problem of will, no question. Tywin would have wiped those pious motherfuckers out last season.

If they went to war, who goes to war with them? Not Highgarden, if Margery is still in prison. The Boltons don't give two shits. The Baratheons are now extinct. It's the Lanniesters versus the world, and they've already got a bunch of shit on their doorstep.

I expected Jon to still be dead at this point and us neck deep in the Kingsmoot, so any momentum is good momentum in my book.

It's comeuppance. Do the guilty get punished? Is the right person sitting on the throne when the shit hits the zombie fan? They're playing the Game of Thrones for the game's sake right now, and while it's interesting, it'll have to be resolved before the wights come.

*Cersei's Shit List*
1. The Sept
2. The Dornish
3. The Tyrell
4. Tyrion
5. The Starks
6. Uncle Kevin
7. (Soon to be) The Boltons
8. The common folk of Kings Landing
9. That one dude who flashed his dick during her shame walk