

Thanks for sharing.

He's not there to be an improv partner (aside from some elusive Dabney Coleperson appearances) The funniest part of the podcast is Scott pointing out the characters' flawed logic in their stories and making them make up even more outrageous things. He's the straight man but also leads the characters into funny

ho ho!

"Much of the dialogue is cliché, the beats predictable"

"How long ago did you send it?"


I'll admit that Womp it Up I don't listen to regularly unless there's a guest I like. And I wouldn't be able to handle her on more than a few shows each year, but i generally enjoy her on CBB.

Go to minute 59 and listen to the song, i rewound the ending (think it was Huskey) 10 times lol.

I lol'ed several times during the womptacular (birthday song was hilarious).

> Edge and Adam Clayton held down these guys while Bono and Larry Mullen, Jr.

who just wanted to be a big boy

Also, "asininely" and "vernacular".


worth watching for another HDTGM with Scotty Auks! SHARKED

Also, how can you give something better than a perfect score: C+

prisoner……. of AZKABANNNNNN

""You got to laugh, because “your kids are gonna love it.” "