
This also underscores another reason to deal with a local lender, if possible (preferably a credit union). You and the buyer can walk in, sit down, and do the whole deal in an “official” setting and a notary/witness present. IMHO, all parties are much more secure that way. I’ve only done two private transactions in my

Note to self: if ever buying a Mustang, get 2016

As someone who grew up in PA, those dirt roads look smoother than anything we’ve got.

So because LeBron James is an otherworldly talent on the court and has been deemed worth of $30 million a year (which would be higher if there were no max salary limit), the guy hawking Miller Lite in Quicken Loans Arena ought to get $1 million a year? Why should Jeff Bezos have his earnings limited because he heads

Huh. So that’s how you steer them things.

Alternative title: New York Millennial amazed by common outdoor machinery.

You have to make friends with somebody with a dealer’s license.

Cut this shit out. I don’t like Trump. He’s a moron. I didn’t want him for president. But he won.

Is super drunk above or below stupid drunk? Asking for a friend.

Solid journalism Alanis...

If by all that energy you mean a fraction of it then yes it’s an improvement, but no one has yet been able to capture more than a fraction of the energy required to slow the vehicle down and reclaim it to be used to accelerate the vehicle again later. Most of the energy is still dissipated as heat through friction

monogamy took the bone, and matrimony took the balls.

The sub title says...Filed to: “CAR POLITICS”. It should be...Filed to: “MY PERSONAL POLITICAL BELIEFS”.

There is nothing “car” about this...just the long wailing song of a crushed dream. When will they get it that we don’t want to read this crap.

failing to see any automotive tie in

I’m failing to see the Jeep tie-in.

I’d just like to say that last nights Grand Tour was amazing. Way to come back from last week. I laughed pretty damn hard when they shipped out the Hellcat. Amazing episode. Just amazing

Psssh in Kentucky auto glass is 100% covered, no deductible. Land of fried chicken, and free windshields. Bring it.

This confirms Jalopnik staff can always find something to whine about.